Weekly Blog: October 25th-31st

Happy final week of Halloween! I can't believe it's almost over😭 Between my love of October and my fear of November (NaNoWriMo), I'm not quite ready for Halloween-time to be over. Sure, it's Halloween every day in my heart, but it's just not the same. My issues with scheduling and editing posts continue, and honestly...if... Continue Reading →

Trick or Treat Round the Block Book Tag

Happy Halloween! I found this tag on The Sassy's Geek's blog, and it was originally created by The Bookish Porcupine. Creepy house on the corner of the street - book with a creepy cover I still haven't gotten my hands on a copy, but I've always thought the cover of The Replacements by Brenna Yovanoff... Continue Reading →

More Last Minute NaNoWriMo Tips

I thought I was finished with NaNo related posts, but then I realized there were some things I don't think I talked about in the My NaNo Essentials post or my NaNo Advice post. (Or maybe I just kinda briefly mentioned them.) So, here we go again. Use Filler/Don't Stress About Specifics With NaNo, you're... Continue Reading →

Spooky Would You Rather Tag

I found this tag on HardbackHoarder's channel. It was created by The Book Pusher, but the original video was made private :/ They did a reaction/update video, though. 1. THRILLERS OR SUPERNATURALS I have to go with supernatural. I want to like thrillers more, but I haven't read many that I've really liked. 2. GHOSTS... Continue Reading →

Spooky Scary Book Tag

I was not tagged, but I've held out as long as I can, and I must do another tag 😛 I actually might do several over the next couple of days, so...apologies in advance for multiple posts each day (maybe). This tag was created by Shelby Masako. 1. What goes bump in the night?: Name... Continue Reading →

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