T5W: Horror Movies I’ve Seen, Based On Books I Haven’t Read

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Lainey from gingerreadslainey, now hosted by Sam from ThoughtsOnTomes. (Sam is taking a break from T5W for the summer, but we have tons of old topics to use/revisit during that time, so I’m planning to do a combination of that and making up my own topics this summer.) You can check out the goodreads group to learn more.

I watch a lot of horror movies (if that wasn’t made clear by my list of 201 from a couple years ago 😛 ), and I read horror with some regularity. But, I usually prefer the movies for some reason, even when they’re based on books.

This week, I decided to think of my top five horror movies that are based on books I haven’t read, but I’ve actually attempted to read four of these and failed. (Multiple times for two of them.)

In no particular order, as usual…

The Exorcist

The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty

This isn’t my favorite horror movie by a lot (it probably wouldn’t even make my top 20 haha), but it is a classic, and I do like it. I’ve owned this book for years, but I still haven’t read it. I did try a couple of times, but now I keep forgetting I have it :/


Carrie by Stephen King

This is another one that wouldn’t make my top 20, and I’ll honestly probably never read the book at this rate :/ I’ve tried so many times, but it just hasn’t worked out. I still haven’t seen the newer movie remake, but I’m thinking about renting it this month. Maybe.

The Ritual

The Ritual by Adam Nevill

I have mixed feelings about the movie, but I think I liked it, overall. I keep going back and forth about reading the book, though. I’ve read a couple chapters, I think, but I’m not sure I actually care enough to buy it or ask my library to get it :/

Ring (Ring, #1)

Ring by Kōji Suzuki

I’ve seen the original movie and the American remake multiple times (although I haven’t seen the original Japanese in over a decade now) and I really enjoyed both. I tried to read the book a couple of times back in high school, I think, but I couldn’t get into it. I do think I’ll eventually try again, though.


Audition by Ryū Murakami

I really, really need to watch this one again because I think it’s been about 15 years since I saw it :/ I do remember loving it, but my tastes have changed a little since then, so who knows what I’d think of it now. I think I’d like to try reading the book at some point, but I’m not in a huge rush.

Have you read any of these?

Do you have a favorite horror film that was adapted from a book?

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